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After pulling back the veil on decades-long rivalry, profit-driven but passionate commercial fossil hunters seek validation from academic purist peers, forcing both sides to unite and protect paleontology's legacy as stunning new scientific discoveries reveal the need for both sides to work together to achieve the golden age of paleontology.




Fossilist uncovers the cutthroat rivalry between commercial paleontologists and academic researchers in the high-stakes race to unearth America's most valuable dinosaur fossils. Through revealing interviews, the film explores the intense competition, ethical quandaries, and what's at stake in the pursuit of these prehistoric treasures.

At its core, this rivalry represents a seismic ideological divide in American paleontology. Commercial operations are propelled by immense financial incentives for groundbreaking dinosaur discoveries that can be monetized through exhibitions, book deals, media spotlight, and more. In contrast, academics must adhere to rigorous scientific peer review standards, secure grant funding, and contribute discoveries to the shared body of prehistoric knowledge.

This dichotomy has sparked vicious feuding over rights to rare fossil sites, ownership of major finds, determining ethical excavation frameworks, and who gets to interpret the prehistoric record. Commercial diggers are accused of valuing profit over scientific integrity, while academics face criticisms of being elitist gatekeepers.

The documentary unmasks the bitter turf wars, litigious battles, and unscrupulous tactics unleashed in the obsessive quest to reconstruct prehistoric mysteries. Allegations of fossil poaching, destructive excavation practices, and plundering priceless paleontological resources for private auction have further inflamed ethical divides.

Underlying it all is the pivotal question: who bears responsibility for responsibly and accurately safeguarding the definitive story of life encoded in dinosaur fossils - a story that belongs to all humanity? Do commercial excavators have rights to analyze and profit from discoveries? Or should our prehistoric heritage be entrusted solely to rigorous academic oversight?

At every turn, Fossilist offers a riveting, thought-provoking look at the high-stakes nexus of discovery, science, commerce, human ambition, and the ethical obligation to share paleontology's precious insights with the world. "










- Distribution and Press Information -


Who Owns The Dinosaurs? Reckoning with the Golden Era of Paleontology

(1) 75 - 90 minute feature-length film

Currently in the late stages of production, early stages of post-production

Ready for Distribution - End of 2024** Budget contingent

Fossilist Film - Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved

Production Company - Traverse Cinema Studio

Director - Abby Pellien

Executive Producer - Thomas Kolicko

Producers - Margaret Anne Camp + Tori Dellwardt

Associate Producers - Caden James Reynolds

Cinematographers - Hunter Thompson, Cameron Smith, and Abby Pellien

For all Business Inquiries please contact:

What’s behind the name of the film?

Fossilist pays homage to the legendary 19th-century paleontologist Mary Anning. Anning, a self-taught fossil collector and dealer from England made groundbreaking discoveries that revolutionized our understanding of prehistoric life. Despite facing significant challenges as a woman in a male-dominated field, Anning's relentless passion for unearthing and studying fossils laid the foundation for modern paleontology. The term "Fossilist" encapsulates the spirit of those who, like Anning, dedicate their lives to the pursuit of prehistoric knowledge, whether they come from academic or commercial backgrounds. It represents the shared passion, curiosity, and determination that drives individuals to uncover the secrets of our planet's ancient past.


At Traverse Cinema Studio, we are passionate about creating captivating non-fiction films that inspire, educate, and awaken audiences to the wonders of the natural world. Based in the Colorado Rockies, we pour our hearts into crafting original documentaries that showcase the beauty and importance of the environment. Our goal is to cinematically immerse viewers in each story, fostering a deep appreciation for nature and igniting a desire to protect it. We are all explorers.


